Newark Streetscape Master Plan
Newark, NJ

The City of Newark commissioned H3 to develop a comprehensive master plan for street improvements in Downtown Newark, New Jersey. The team mapped fifty square blocks of street sidewalks, intersections, urban plazas and parks were extensively mapped and developed a plan for phased implementation to complete the project in 24 months.

We focused on substantially upgrading street lighting, improving overall light levels and enhancing safety while reducing glare. Specially shielded metal halide light sources meet dark sky restrictions. Light fixture poles designed in multiple configurations correspond to unique street conditions in the district. A variety of arms, brackets and luminaires efficiently direct light where needed.

To further complement downtown Newark’s mix of historic and contemporary architecture, H3 developed a custom line of street furnishings including benches, bike racks, trash receptacles and signage poles. Each fixture is designed to facilitate maintenance. We incorporated opportunities for branding and advertising into each fixture, to publicize community sponsorships and activities.

Pedestrian and vehicular signs clarify circulation and identify cultural heritage sites. Street signs replaced with large LED-lit signs improve visual clarity. Regulatory and parking restriction signs streamlined to limit confusion reduce sign clutter.

Patterned granite and brick paving at street corners improve pedestrian crossings and handicapped accessibility. A program of street landscaping doubles the number of street trees in the district, while an advanced watering system allows for maintenance of groundcover and seasonal planting.

CLIENT: Newark Downtown District
